The Dream Workshop

Dreams Change Us.

We Change Dreams.

We are a Dream Science company. We pioneered Dream Engineering at MIT. Now we are out of the lab.

Sleep is a forgotten country of the mind. A vast majority of technologies are built for our waking state, even though a third of our lives are spent asleep. Cognition happens over 24 hours, and yet we often ignore the thinking which happens in sleep — our dreams. Dreams change our waking emotions, memory consolidation, learning efficacy, and creative performance.

We collect the newest science on dreams and create the newest dream technology interventions, so you can shift your sleeping and waking cognition. Join us below to learn about the newest Dream Science through our DxE Seminars, to explore products which shift your sleep using sound and smell, to dive into our Dream Engineering Pillars focused on Creativity, Learning, Meditation, Emotional Health, or Self-Exploration.


Dream Stimulants

Our sleep and dreams are neurochemical events, and they depend on the chemical environments in our brains. Emerging neuroscience, and ancient plant medicine practices, both point to substances which can shift brain chemistry to deepen certain stages of sleep, enhance our dream lucidity, improve dream recall and more. Click here to learn more about blends, teas and tinctures we’ve created to help you dream and sleep better, and the emerging science they are inspired by.

Dream Technologies

Our founders are at the forefront of the Dream Engineering movement, building new technologies to enhance sleep and dreaming at institutions like MIT and Harvard Medical School. We work with sleep scientists to move these tools out of research labs and into the wider world, so folks like you can enhance your dreaming life at home. Click here to learn more about Dream Tech built for reducing nightmares, increasing creativity, lowering stress levels and more.

Cultural Projects

We work with visual artists, musicians, and creative residencies to make art and design projects that bring real science to cultural institutions.


Our work is featured in Scientific American, Science AAAS, Smithsonian Magazine, Harvard Medical Magazine, MIT Press, Harper’s


We work on Dream Engineering with global leaders in Medicine (Harvard Medical School, USVA), Arts (Taika Waititi, Carsten Höller), Music (Grateful Dead, Phish), Sports (Odell Beckham jr), Entertainment (Xbox), and Culture (LUMA, V&A, Beyeler, Creative Time).


Dream Science Community

The most important way we can bolster Dream Science, and make sure new technologies are used ethically, is by keeping a diverse community of thinkers like you engaged in the work. We host Meetups, Dream Engineering Seminars, publish a scientific journal on Dream Engineering, collaborate on DIY manuals for citizen scientists, and gather beta testing opportunities for new Dream Tech. To become part of our community and receive news about gatherings, talks, and chances to take part in research, click here.