Strange Circular Stories in Strange Circles
Strange Circular Stories in Strange Circles

The title says it all it's really about strange circular stories in strange circles so the title says it all as it's really a compilation of strange circular 

BCI EEG with ArtMatr Painting Robot

A connection between an open-source, 3D printed Brain Computer Interface and the amazing ArtMatr painting robot from Tal Achituv/Ben Tritt and Owen Trueblood. Here Owen and I are sending motor cortex signals from brain to printer. Turning that readout into printer movement means thinking paintings. Then why not paint our dreams? I got to speak about this art + neuroscience connection with Ben at Cannes Lions 2017, written up here/here :)

Strange Circular Stories in Strange Circles
BCI EEG with ArtMatr Painting Robot
Strange Circular Stories in Strange Circles

The title says it all it's really about strange circular stories in strange circles so the title says it all as it's really a compilation of strange circular 

BCI EEG with ArtMatr Painting Robot

A connection between an open-source, 3D printed Brain Computer Interface and the amazing ArtMatr painting robot from Tal Achituv/Ben Tritt and Owen Trueblood. Here Owen and I are sending motor cortex signals from brain to printer. Turning that readout into printer movement means thinking paintings. Then why not paint our dreams? I got to speak about this art + neuroscience connection with Ben at Cannes Lions 2017, written up here/here :)

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